Financial Support For Childhood Cancer

Stress and worry created by a childhood cancer diagnosis can increase with financial concerns. The impact on a family can create a financial burden that cannot be anticipated. Parents of children with cancer might experience a sharp decrease or loss of income, an increase in medical and personal expenses such as food, travel and lodging away from home, and inadequate insurance coverage that can create a significant financial strain.

Studies show that even families with full health insurance will spend 25 percent or more of their income on co-payments. Severe difficulties face families with no or little insurance. However, local and national organizations are available to help with a variety of resources so that major hardships might be avoided

Financial difficulties associated with a childhood cancer diagnosis can be hard to accept. Some families may feel uncomfortable accepting assistance, but most families need extra support during this time of extreme crisis. Most people want to know what they can do to help, but need guidance on how to give support. Letting others know what is needed benefits everyone. Financial assistance for a kid with cancer can make a difference by taking care of gas, meals or a few nights' lodging. Addressing the financial burden can reduce overall stress on the family, while providing opportunities for others to help in an otherwise helpless situation.

Cancer can cause heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. Government-sponsored programs as well as services supported by nonprofit, national organizations are available for families who do not have health insurance and for those who have insurance but need more financial assistance to cover health care costs. Child cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns about health care costs with their doctor, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic.

Programs providing general assistance like food, housing, and other services may also be available from the county or city Department of Social Services

Next, discover different ways to uncover cancer financial assistance and financial support for kids with cancer.

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Coping With Leukemia Through Cord Blood Treatment

Do you suffer leukemia? It will be your good news then. You can have a good and effective treatment through cord blood. This blood is considered as the strong source for stem cells. Stem cells are obtained from embryos. Yet, the treatment using this kind of cell is the right solution for some disorder such as leukemia.

Stem cells have the ability to replicate themselves to treat, repair, and also cure the damaged cells by some diseases including leukemia. Historically, the treatment by using this type of cell was formerly completed in 1988. Yet, the general public could access this procedure in 1995. Today, you are able to meet cold blood banking for storing the stem cells as well as cord blood.

Cord blood will be the right answer for some diseases. On June 2009, this blood was believed to be able to treat eighty diseases. It is a potential treatment for patients with leukemia, specifically for those who have no acceptable source for bone narrow transplant.

Then, how to use this cord blood as the treatment for leukemia? The process of the treatment begins when the blood is obtained from the giving birth mother. The patient is then given regular chemotherapy and followed by the high-dose chemotherapy. It is able to kill either normal or cancer-producing blood cells of the bone marrow. Since stem cell is able to kill the previous cells, it will replicate and replace for new cells.

Furthermore, the real transplantation happens when the patient is injected with the stem cells. They are able to take over the new white blood cells creation of around 10 up to 14 days so that the production of your blood will gradually return to normal. In addition, you can possibly need transfusions of some substances such as platelets and red blood cells since they are not able to reproduce on their own.

Cord blood can be easily collected right after the birth. In order to keep it sterilized, it is then cryogenically stored either in a public or private bank until it is needed for transplant. In addition, this blood can be stored for indefinite time until it is needed for the treatment.

Since stem cells are very beneficial for treating some disorder, cord blood collection will be very beneficial right after giving birth. Then, the cells can be stored at the cord blood banks for future need. You can find some more information about it on

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About Tretinoin Tablets

People often use tretinoin for the treatment of acne and this is usually available in a cream or gel. This medication has other uses and it can be taken in an oral form.This article will take an in-depth look at tretinoin tablets. Find out a bit of information on these particular tablets as well as uses and side effects.

Tretinoin Tablets are more commonly known under the name Vesanoid. This medications comes from a family of drugs known as retinoids. These drugs are very powerful, especially when it comes to killing cancer cells. The drugs are able to kill these cells, mainly because they have the ability to affect how they grow and reproduce. Because of the medications ability, a lot of doctors often use this to treat leukemia (cancer of the blood). Its effectiveness in combatting leukemia has led some doctors to prescribe it in the treatment of other cancers.

Individuals who are prescribed this treatment are required to take it twice daily. This routine is done over a period of 30 to 90 days or until the cancer is in remission. The tablet does not need to be taken with food.

People who were prescribed tretinoin tablets (Vesanoid) should use them as directed. They need to be aware of that increasing the dosage will not speed up the treatment of the condition. Serious and increased risks associated with side effects can occur if the tablets are not taken as directed.

Tretinoin Tablets is a very powerful medication and people who take it should be aware that serious side effects are associated with its use. Individuals were taken the tablets should do so under the direction of medical practitioner. A doctor should be contacted if certain side effects such as weight gain, sore throat, dizziness, fatigue or chest pain should occur.

There is the possibility of allergic reactions occurring when these tablets are taken. If individuals should experience swelling, dizziness, rash, itching and problems breathing, then they should seek out medical assistance.

If you would like to get more information on Tretinoin then please visit the website.

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The Causes and Treatment of Leukemia

Leukemia is the cancer of the white blood cells. It is also referred to as blood cancer when the white blood cells are abnormally high. It's a kind of cancer that makes the bone marrow produce large number of immature white blood cells that are found in the blood system.

Leukemia came from the Greek words 'leukos' and 'heima' which refers to excess white blood cells in the blood. This disease was officially diagnosed in Edinburg, 1845 by John Hughes but has been on for centuries. It is a fatal cancer disease that affects children and adults with a very bleak survival rate. When old cells in the body die, they are quickly replaced by new ones but in the case of leukemia, the old cells do not die and new ones are subsequently produced thereby increasing more cells in the body and causing blood cancer.

However, when there are excess white blood cells in the body or leukemia, over time the number of blood cells will overcrowd other blood cells and make it difficult for blood to carry out its function. The body's immune systems are also affected and unable to fight infections.

There are 4 major types of leukemia namely chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia. Most forms of acute leukemia are quite risky with a very slim survival rates but can be treated as soon as it's diagnosed early.
Early symptoms of leukemia are as follows;

There could be signs of reoccurring fever which might fail to recede after medication. In such cases it is very difficult to diagnose, due to absence of any bacteria pathogen.

The immune system could be broken down because of the presence of white blood cells thereby making the body very feeble to contact diseases such as tuberculosis, candidiasis and so on.

Due to the destruction of the red blood cells, another early signs of leukemia is the presence of tiny red spot mostly seen on the skins or in the oral cavity. An early symptom of leukemia in children includes fatigue, weakness and inability to take part in rigorous physical activities, unexplained swellings, paleness, bone and joint pain and shortness of breath can also be attributed to leukemia.

Other symptoms include kidney problem, loss of libido, excessive sweating, skin rashes, and nausea. Such are symptoms characterized with someone suffering from leukemia and as such it is better to go for blood test as soon as you notice any change in the system and if diagnosed earlier it could be treated on time.

The cure for leukemia

In the 18th century, arsenic was the oldest form of treatment for leukemia before Thomas Fowler invented a solution of potassium bicarbonate and arsenic trioxide which was then known as fowler's solution. It became a standard remedy to treat leukemia and anemia diseases before it was replaced in the 20th century by radiation therapy which has been very helpful in curing leukemia. But today, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, 6-mercaptopurin, and aminopterin, has been replaced with genetic analysis and bone marrow transplant which is considered as the most effective means in curbing the menace of leukemia or cancer of the blood.

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Cancer Of The Lymph Nodes

Cancer of the lymph nodes, also known as lymphoma, will effect more men than women. With about 5 percent of all cancers, lymphoma is found to develop more frequently in people between the ages of 15 to 55.

There are between 500 to 700 lymph nodes in the body found in groups mostly in the neck, underarm, chest, abdomen and groin. These nodes are tiny rounded or bean shaped masses.

The two forms of cancer are affecting these nodules are, Hodgkins Disease and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Hodgkins Disease is a rare form presenting symptoms of night sweats, unexplained weight loss, unexplained fever and constant fatigue. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, the most common, has the same symptoms as Hodgkins Disease. Regardless of gender, if there is a family history of this form of cancer, the risk increases. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma is believed to develop in people that have had a high exposure to herbicides and pesticides.

The lymph nodes are a part of the lymphatic system. Lymph, the fluid in this system originates as plasm, flows between cells delivering nutrients, oxygen and hormones to the cells. As it leaves the cells it removes excess fluid, dead blood cells, bacteria, viruses and all other waste material with it. These nodes will trap cancer cells, slowing the spread of the disease, until cancer overwhelms them.

Cancer can metastasize in other parts of the body by traveling either through the bloodstream or through the lymph nodes. When this happens the cancer will be still called by its origin, for instant papillary thyroid cancer or breast cancer, but with lymph node involvement.

The most common symptom or sign that cancer has spread to the nodes is that one or more of them are enlarged. With that said there are many other reasons this inflammation could happen, infection for instance. Your doctor will want to do a physical examination and blood and urine tests to rule out infection. For further screening diagnostic imaging to find the location of any tumors in the body will be done. A biopsy on the enlarged nodules may also be done either by surgery or by performing a fine needle aspiration.

Once all the diagnostic testing is complete the stage of the cancer can be determined. Staging of cancer is determined by the number of tumors, if they have spread and if so how intensely. Staging will assist the doctors determine treatment and the prognosis of the disease.

It is routine procedure when operating on an area of the body that has cancer like the thyroid or the breast, that suspicious and some normal lymph nodes are removed at the same time. These are all sent for biopsy. The pathology report will tell you how intensive the cancer of the lymph nodes is. In the case of papillary and follicular thyroid cancer the normal protocol, if the thyroid cancer is found in any of the nodes removed, is treatment with radioactive iodine will be required.

Like many cancers, when cancer of the lymph nodes is diagnosed in an early stage the better the prognosis. Today with all the medical advancements, there are many effective treatments available for this type of cancer.

Elaine Savard is a papillary thyroid survivor. You are invited to please go to for more on papillary thyroid cancer and how it is staged.

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How Do You Know the Symptom Are Related to Leukemia?


Bone and Joint Pain - Pain in bones and joints is another common symptom of leukemia. This could be a symptom of leukemia-related spleen and liver enlargement. Anemia is another symptom of leukemia in toddlers. Another symptom of leukemia is bruising and bleeding easily. Those with bleeding gums should see their pediatrician urgently, as this is also a symptom of leukemia in some children.

When red blood cells are unable to be produced because of the crowding in the marrow, anemia is present. Symptomatic facial nerve involvement, on the other hand, is extremely unusual. Symptoms you have experienced from Leukemia which of these symptoms have you experienced. Symptom of Leukemia causing most discomfort which of these symptoms caused you the most discomfort. Depending on the number of abnormal cells and where these cells collect, patients with leukemia may have a number of symptoms, including anemia. Children with leukemia often have fewer than normal healthy red blood cells and platelets. They often have symptoms of infection such as fever, runny nose and cough. Bone and Joint Pain - Pain in bones and joints is another common symptom of leukemia.


Specific treatment for leukemia will be determined by your child's physician based on your child's age, overall health, and medical history the extent of the disease your child's tolerance for certain medications, procedures, or therapies expectations for the course of the disease your opinion or preference treatment usually begins by addressing the presenting symptoms such as anemia, bleeding, and or infection. In addition, treatment for leukemia may include (alone or in combination) the following chemotherapyintrathecal medications/chemotherapy (medications are inserted through a needle into the spinal cord into the area called the subarachnoid space)radiation therapy bone marrow transplantation or peripheral blood stem cell transplantationbiological therapymedications (to prevent or treat damage to other systems of the body caused by leukemia treatment) medications (for nausea and side effects of treatment)blood transfusions (red blood cells, platelets)antibiotics (to prevent/treat infections)continuous follow-up care (to determine response to treatment, detect recurrent disease, and manage late effects of treatment)What are the various stages of leukemia treatment.

Remission is the goal in this stage of treatment. Regular visits to your child's physician are required in order to determine response to treatment, detect any recurrent disease, and manage any side effects of the treatment. Relapse can occur during any of the stages of treatment, or may occur months or years after treatment has ended. New methods are continually being discovered to improve treatment and to decrease side effects of the treatment for the disease. With early treatment, chances for full recovery are often quite good. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Today leukemia patients had less change of dying from the disease as scientist are studying its causes and treatment to find leukemia patients can look forward to live a better quality of life. The usual treatment of leukemia is divided into two categories: treatments that are aimed at fighting the cancer and treatments that are aimed at relieving the symptoms and the side effects of the disease.

Syarih is a freelance blogger at [].

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The Cancer You May Have

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Economic Impact is very obvious in patients who lose their jobs due to this dreadful disease. Man hour lost to sick leaves and cost of health insurance to employers are also economic wastes. All these impact negatively on both the patient and society.

Lymphoma can appear in different forms with symptoms that appear like those of other ailments. This is why the need to use various types of techniques for lymphoma diagnosis arises. Which is why only the doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis should handle its identification.

A critical look at the lymphoid lesions will be carried out to identify the presence of possible cancerous cells by investigating the structural traits, along with the genetic constitution and what the organ looks like as a consequence of the interaction of its genotype and the environment.

If lymphoma manifests in an aids patient it means that the disease has already gain ground. If this happens treatment could be through oral drugs or by way of injections aimed to attack the disease via your bloodstream. It is called Systemic chemotherapy.

But unfortunately, most lymphoma patients either were not properly diagnosed or under-treated. A recent shocker was the discovery from haphazardly chosen medical establishments nationwide that 50 percent of patients with curable lymphoma are being given under- treatment with chemotherapy leading to poor response and recovery. This happens at a time when even Cell marker tests can reveal the presence of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

This test can be used to identify Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma subtypes. It can also detect whether the lymphoma is caused by abnormal activity of B-cells or T-cells. If you suspect that you have lymphoma or any of your family have once suffered lymphoma, get tested regularly to ensure that you do not have the disease.

Neshah Writes for your good health.

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What is "Leukemia"?

What is Leukemia?

The word Leukemia is derived from the Greek words leukos (white) and aima (blood). In simple terms, it is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. It affects the forming of blood cells, one of the most important cells groups of the human body.

An abnormal production and accumulation of white blood cells characterizes this disease. This form of cancer starts to grow from the stem cells present in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is where blood cells are made.

The presence of abnormal cells called as leukemia cells?, also called as damaged leukocytes confirms the disease. Abnormal cells often over crowd with the other cells and end up with damaged DNA. The entire process makes it difficult for the other cells to do their functions smoothly.

In a healthy human, the W.B.C will die after a certain period resulting in the growth of fresh. In this case, they do not die easily and take-up space and continue to add-up. This crowding of bad cells, almost like a fission reaction in an uncontrolled manner, does not allow the normal functioning of the good cells and this result in sickness.

To better understand this disease, it is important that we know the related biological terms:

Bone Marrow:
The inner part of the bone is the bone marrow and this is where R.B.C, platelets and W.B.C are created

White blood cells (W.B.C):
They are also called leukocytes, and they primarily help fight infections. They are of three types:
• Lymphocytes - Main cells that help in fighting infections
• Granulocytes - These are W.B.C with granules which destroy microbes
• Monocytes - These are related to granulocytes and also help the body fight against microbes

Red blood cells (R.B.C):
They are the ones that carry oxygen to all the tissues of the body.

They are very important in forming clots which prevents the blood vessels from bleeding.

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Mesothelioma - How to Cope After Diagnosis

If you know someone that has worked with asbestos in the past, then chances are that they have mesothelioma. It is important that you provide the right kind of support and ensure that the people diagnosed with this ailment are not left alone. There are a number of things that you can do in order to help the person who is suffering from this condition.

By showing that you care, you are ensuring that the person doesn't feel abandoned and has the hope and the will power to survive. This is important, no matter what the illness might be.

Getting the best medication

One of the most important things to make sure of in the people that have been diagnosed with this condition is that they are able to get the right kind of medical attention. In many cases, simply getting quality medical care goes a long way in ensuring that the patients don't have to suffer unnecessarily and are also able to cope with the pain in a much nicer way.

Although permanently getting rid of Mesothelioma is not possible, it is very much possible to reduce the pain caused by it. You will have to motivate the person and ensure that they do try out this treatment.

Getting legal help

Simple opting for medical attention is not enough. You need to ensure that the individuals suffering with Mesothelioma are not doing so in silence. With the right kind of legal recourse, it is possible that the individual can earn a substantial amount of money. With more money, it is possible to opt in for better healthcare and not simply struggle after being diagnose with this condition.

Many people lose hope because they run out of money before they get fully cured. This can be avoided if you file a strong lawsuit and win it with the help of a good lawyer.

Supporting as a group

As said previously, it is important to support the person that has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma in the form of a group. As long as the person knows that he can count on people around him, it is less likely that he is going to have to struggle in order to cope with the problems and also recovery soon after that.

Hence, having a good amount of support from near and dear ones is important. If you want a way in which you could be of help, it might probably be useful to help the individual try to find out a good lawyer and have this lawyer fight the case for you.

In a number of ways, having all the people support in an orderly manner and ensuring that the medical processes as well as the legal ones are going on as planned will help in successfully fighting mesothelioma.

Although medically, it is rather challenging to get a solution to curb the spread of this cancer, it is not necessarily hopeless. There are ways in which the cancer can be curbed and the person struggling with the disease can lead a somewhat normal life for a reasonable amount of time.

In order to get compensated from the people responsible for the onset of this cancer, it is necessary to get mesothelioma lawyers to help you out. Go to the website to learn more.

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Hodgkin's Lymphoma Vs Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

My introduction to lymphoma came one, quiet July afternoon in 2008 as I was sitting at my desk at work. My husband called. He had been feeling poorly for the last couple of weeks while we were on vacation and had just been to see the doctor.

"The doctor said I've got one of three things," he calmly reported. "But the only one I can remember is lymphoma." He went on to say that he was calling from a hospital bed where he had a few things stuck in and on him. (Before I lost control of my thoughts, I was reminded of an incident two years earlier. Then, my husband had left me a voice mail. The message went something like this: "My appendix burst. I'm in the hospital. You can stop by if you want to.")

Our life plummeted into the realm of conscious uncertainty. Non-medical people, we searched all over the Internet, talked to family, friends, friends of friends, doctors, etc., to find out everything we could about this kind of cancer.

Soon enough, we were reminded of the danger of Internet searches. There is almost too much information -- a lot of it is downright scary and some of it is ultimately inaccurate. Even without really understanding my husband's current condition, we were already contemplating the worst possible outcome.

Types of Lymphoma

There are two main types of lymphoma -- Hodgkin's Lymphoma (also called Hodgkin's Disease) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Both types develop in the lymphocytes, white blood cells that are an important part of the body's immune system. The two types have similarities, but there are definite distinctions.

Lymphocytes have two main cell types: B cells or T cells. With lymphoma, either the B cell or the T cell becomes abnormal; the first abnormal cell quickly divides and then subsequent abnormal cells divide, encroaching upon and destroying other lymphatic cells. And, while lymphoma originates in the body's lymphatic system, Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma can spread to bone marrow and other organs such as the liver and spleen.

Symptoms and Signs

My spouse had been complaining about aching, swollen lumps in his neck. He had also been having night sweats and fever. These are typical symptoms for both Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Other symptoms include breathing problems, fatigue, itching, unexplained weight loss, and swollen lumps in the armpits and/or groin.

The doctors told us it was not uncommon for either type of cancer to appear in adults in their 50's, but, typically, Hodgkin's Lymphoma appears in children and young adults. In contrast, the risk for developing Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma increases with age and typically appears between the ages of 40 and 70.

My husband, a seemingly healthy man who watched his diet and regularly exercised, was in his early 50's.


After several tests, there was little doubt that my husband had lymphoma, but in order to treat it, the doctors needed to know exactly what type it was.

There are several diagnostic techniques used, either alone or in combination, to make the diagnosis between Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. These include blood tests, thorough physical examinations, biopsies of bone marrow, and chest x-rays. The definitive test, however, is the tissue biopsy of part or all of an affected lymph node.

The hospital did a biopsy of one of the lumps on his neck on a Friday. The results would not be available until early the next week. So, it was back to the Internet to see what else we could learn and worry about. Meanwhile, my spouse was suffering and more painful lumps were fast appearing. Overwhelmed with both too much general and too little specific information, we waited for news from the lab.

Under the microscope, the presence of an abnormal B cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell, a particular kind of lymphocyte, indicates Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Diagnosis is not as easy for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma; there are over 30 different types of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma which include various types of cells and cell markers.

Finally, on Monday, we learned we were dealing with Anaplastic T cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. At last, we knew the enemy.


Now that we knew the type of cancer, we had all the usual questions about treatment. Chemo? Radiation? How long? How much?

Like all cancers, lymphoma is characterized by stages which define the extent or severity of the cancer, and treatment differs depending on the cell type and stage. Treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma can include radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination of the two. Stem cell or blood marrow transplantation can be recommended in more severe cases. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma is typically treated with chemotherapy; on rare occasions, radiation alone or in combination with chemotherapy is utilized.

The type and severity of lymphoma determine the response to any particular treatment. Other treatments for lymphoma can include radioimmunotherapy or immunotherapy alone; surgery is rarely a treatment option.

In my spouse's case, he had Stage III (of I to IV with IV being the most severe) of an aggressive type of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. That meant hitting him hard and fast with chemotherapy. They began it almost immediately. The first treatment was excruciating and weakened him, but it provided great results. After a week, he was released with a treatment plan that included five additional chemotherapy sessions.

As we left the hospital, I remember watching my husband - stooped over, thinner by 30-some pounds, frail and weak - as he carefully got into the car in the parking lot. I wondered whether he would ever return to his vibrant, irreverent self.

Statistics for New Cases and Deaths

In 2008, my spouse was one of the estimated 74,340 people to be diagnosed with lymphoma. In that same year, it was estimated that 20,150 people with lymphoma would die. Staggering statistics that we couldn't seem to comprehend at the time.

The American Cancer Society's Facts & Figures 2010 lists the expected new cases and estimated deaths for men and women in the U.S. for 2010 for lymphoma as follows:

Estimated New Cancers (2010)

Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 8,490Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 65,540

Estimated Cancer Deaths (2010)

Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 1,320Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 20,210


According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate for Hodgkin's Lymphoma is 85%; the 10-year survival rate is 81%. It is much tougher to pin down survival rates for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Prognosis varies depending on the type of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, as well as other factors including the stage, the cell type, blood counts, other medical problems, etc.

Since his last chemotherapy treatment in November 2008, my husband's periodic scans have been clean and his prognosis is excellent. He's back to his old self, with only two visible scars (one from the biopsy and the other marking the location of the port used to administer chemotherapy), the scans, and doctor's appointments to remind us that life is tenuous.

While I continue to scour information about both types of lymphoma, my husband rarely, if ever, speaks about it, although he is conscientious about his scans. Looking back, the most angst-filled time during the entire ordeal was while we were waiting for the final diagnosis. After all, looking at the facts and figures, it would seem Hodgkin's Lymphoma might be the 'preferred' disease, but it was not that simple. It was never necessarily that we thought one type of lymphoma was more 'optimistic' than the other; we just desperately needed to know for treatment purposes. Besides, I believe there are too many other factors involved in survival, i.e., the severity, the treatment, response to treatment, etc., that overshadow any mere numbers linked to a particular type of disease. In fact, I honestly believe the most important factor is the patient's attitude.

In my husband's case, he just had lymphoma - didn't matter which to him. He just wanted to put it behind him. He went back to work as soon as he could and worked around his chemotherapy, taking little time off. He did not let cancer stop him, he did not let it define him and, unless he told you, you would never know.

Linda R. Prior is a freelance writer with over 25 years of writing experience. Find her at

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What is B-Cell Lymphoma?

The B-Cell is part of the lymph system as a type of lymphocyte responsible for fighting infections and produce memory cells along with T-Cells to remember the type of microorganism that has invaded the system. This memorization is essential for faster immune system response the next time the same type of microorganism enters the body.

B-Cell lymphoma is a type of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma where the malignancy is found in the B-Cell type of lymphocytes. This sub-classification of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is also sub-classified into Follicular lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, and Large Cell Lymphoma. The cause of this disease is still unknown, but some environmental and internal factors are associated with this condition. These risk factors are:

- Immunocompromised conditions - these can be either through taking immunosuppressant drugs after a transplant surgery, a genetic condition, or HIV or AIDS. Patients undergoing radiation therapy are also at risk in developing B-Cell lymphoma due to risk of developing cellular mutations.

- Diseases in which the body's own immune system is attacking itself such as rheumatoid arthritis.

- Exposure to chemical agents such as pesticides, insecticides, solvents and other organic chemicals.

Signs and symptoms of B-Cell lymphoma are the standard manifestations for lymphoma which are:

- Swollen, rubbery, non-painful lymph nodes more than 1cm in size.

- Distended abdomen due to swollen spleen or liver (splenomegaly and hepatomegaly respectively)

- Nausea and/or vomiting

- Fatigue

- High fever

- Night sweats

- Chest pain

- Dyspnea (difficulty of breathing)

To diagnose B-Cell lymphoma, your doctor will first study your medical history and conduct a physical examination. Most people suffering from this disease have swollen lymph nodes that have been there for more than 2 weeks due to accumulation of malignant B-cells. Your spleen and liver will be palpated and percussed. This is to see if the malignancy has reached these organs for they are also part of the lymphatic system. A cell biopsy is the most definitive way of diagnosing B-cell lymphoma. Afterwards, if diagnosis is confirmed, staging has to be performed through series of medical tests to know how far and how severe the malignancy has metastasized and affected the body.

Survival rate depends on early detection of B-cell lymphoma. If you suspect that you have lymphoma, it is advised that you have an appointment with your doctor so you would know what treatment is applicable and suitable for you.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on B-Cell Lymphoma, symptoms, causes, treatment and much more.

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Herbal Remedies For Leukemia - How Can They Help?

Leukemia is a blood disorder that affects a surprisingly large number of people. The death rate of this disease is alarming and it causes people to turn to other treatments that science can provide. Herbal remedies for leukemia has been given consideration as an alternative treatment.

What is leukemia?

Leukemia is another type of cancer that begins in the blood cells. For people suffering from leukemia, their bone marrows generate abnormal white blood cells. These are called the leukemia cells.

During the first stage of this disease, the leukemia cells may look like they are functioning normally. But after some time, they begin to out populate the normal white blood cells and also the red blood cells of our body. This is the reason why the blood cannot function correctly.

Cause of Leukemia

The exact cause of leukemia still remains a mystery. Experts cannot explain why this disease sprouts in random people. However, due to intensive studies, they have found some factors that may put you at risk of leukemia. Here are some of them:

1. Exposure to high level radiation

Those people who are regularly exposed to a high level of radiation have a high chance of developing leukemia.

2. Exposure to certain chemicals

Exposure to chemicals, such as Benzene can put you at a risk of developing leukemia. Another chemical that may cause considerable damage to your cells is formaldehyde.

3. Chemotherapy

This might seem crazy since chemotherapy is used to treat cancer patients. However, there are some studies conducted that people fighting from a different type of cancer can later develop leukemia because of their frequent chemotherapy sessions.

4. Down Syndrome

People with Down syndrome have a higher risk of developing leukemia because of their abnormal chromosomes.


The first line of treatment that people with Leukemia would most likely utilize is chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy can also assault your immune system and can leave you defenseless against other viral infections and other complications.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy are all physically spent after every session. Chemotherapy also causes these patients to lose hair. This is why many have also turned to herbal remedies for leukemia.

These herbal remedies for leukemia have helped many a number of leukemia sufferers:

1. The nutrients found in garlic can protect our body from infections. Since chemotherapy can lower your immune system, Garlic can aid that problem.

2. You can also concoct an herbal tea out of stinging nettle, elder blossoms, brooklime herb and dandelion to help your body gain back its strength and normalize its primary functions.

It is also important for a leukemia sufferer to have a balanced diet and regular exercise to support their body in the fight against cancer cells.

Along with these, they can also take an herbal remedy that can help promote healthier cells. A product called Bio-Oxidate Defense can help a lot.

This product can support healthy cells in our body and can help the body fight the effects of bad cells. Bio-Oxidate Defense can also up your immune system so you will not be defenseless against other diseases.

This product is 100% safe to use because it uses natural herbal ingredients such as Green Tea, Rooibos and Grape seed extract which are a very helpful combination in supporting the body and help healthy cell growth.

When it comes to the battle against Leukemia, every help is needed. Herbal remedies for leukemia and a product like Bio-Oxidate Defense is just what you need to help you in this fight.

There's no quick fix to cellulite. The best way to reduce it is to fight it with a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, cellulite cream and treatment. Visit my website at for more information.

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What is Lymphoma Cancer?

The lymphatic system is comprised of the lymph, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and liver. The lymph is the fluid that circulates in the lymphatic system and travels through the body via lymph vessels. The fluid contains lymphocytes - produced by the bone marrow and spleen -that fight pathogens. These cells filter the blood and collect the microorganisms inside lymph nodes. You'll notice that during infections, you will have a palpable node in your neck, under your arms, breasts, and groin. When the pathogens are overwhelmed, toxins and byproducts produced by these cells are then filtered in the liver to be eliminated.

In lymphoma cancer, the problem lies in the lymphocytes, specifically the B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of lymphoma cancer where the B-lymphocytes have the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells under morphological studies. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, on the other hand, is a type of lymphoma that occurs without the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. The malignant cells increase in number and size, resulting to a pooling of cells inside a lymph node. The lymph node formed will be rubbery, painless, and does not show any signs of disappearing. Lymphoma cancer is also noted with night sweats, unexplained weight loss, and unexplained fever. There are patients diagnosed with lymphoma but still live for more than 5 to 10 years, making this one of the most curable forms of cancer known to man. Biopsy of the tumor is the definitive way in diagnosing lymphoma. Imaging tests such as X-Ray, CT-Scan, and MRI along with blood tests are done in order to stage the severity of lymphoma cancer.

Treatment of lymphoma cancer can be a form or mix of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is done during the early stage, and applied only on a local area where the malignancy is noted. When the malignancy has spread in adjacent and distal parts of the body, chemotherapy is used along with immune-stimulants and corticosteroids such as prednisone. Surviving lymphoma is highly dependent on the stage when the lymphoma was diagnosed and the application of appropriate treatment. Always maintain your regular check up to see if your treatment is appropriate for you, and to monitor how the lymphoma cancer is progressing.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on Lymphoma Cancer, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, causes and much more.

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What is Burkitt's Lymphoma?

Burkitt's lymphoma is a type of aggressive B-cell lymphoma. This condition is most commonly observed in young people and divided into three types:

- Endemic - this is commonly seen in children living in Africa. Usually, this type of Burkitt's lymphoma affects the facial bones such as the jaw, the intestines such as the distal ileum and cecum. Other abdominal parts such as the ovaries and kidneys can also be affected.

- Sporadic/Non-African - found outside of Africa and affects the same parts as that of the endemic variety.

- Immunodeficiency associated - this type of Burkitt's lymphoma is usually seen in HIV patients or patients taking immune-suppressive drugs,

Along with the stated associated factors, Burkitt's lymphoma is highly connected with Epstein-Barr virus and malaria. The virus creates a mutation inside the B-cells, a type of lymphocyte found in the immune system. Exposure to malaria weakens the cells' resistance to the effects of the virus, making it one of the predominant forms of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in African children.

Usually, swollen lymph nodes are seen in the neck area that quickly spread in other lymph nodes via lymphatic circulation. The nodes are more than 10 cm in size, and can cause obstruction and deformity. The nodes are rubbery and non-tender. Being an aggressive type of NHL, Burkitt's lymphoma can easily spread through the nervous system and can cause weakness and paralysis. Other symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, unexplained fever and weight loss. Malignancies in certain body parts can compromise organ function. For example, if a lymphoma is located at the spleen, anemia can result for the capacity of the spleen to store red blood cells has been affected.

Cure of Burkitt's lymphoma usually includes chemotherapy agents such as cytoxan, oncovin, and methotrexate. Aggressive therapy often shows promising effects on children, but close monitoring of the renal system is required. This system can be damaged both by the chemotherapeutic agents and onset of tumor lysis syndrome. The main goal of treatment is to prevent to prevent the disease from spreading further into the nervous system. When proper treatment is given, survival rate 90% guaranteed. It is important to undergo treatment once Burkitt's lymphoma is confirmed for this condition gets worse rapidly and life threatening.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on Burkitt's Lymphoma symptoms, causes, treatment and much more.

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What is Large Cell Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a malignancy found in the lymph system, specifically in the lymphocytes. The common cells that show malignancy in lymphoma are the B-cell or B-lymphocytes and the T-cells or T-lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are responsible for destroying any pathogens that enter the body and memorize them for faster destruction the next time they invade the system. Lymphoma is sub-divided into Hodgkin's Lymphoma (formerly known as Hodgkin's Disease) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The main difference between the two is the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, commonly found in Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Large cell lymphoma is a type of lymphoma categorized under Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This aggressive type of lymphoma usually affects the B-lymphocytes more than T-lymphocytes. Large cell lymphoma is named as such because the malignant cells in this category are bigger compared to malignant cells of other types of lymphoma. Because of its similarity with Burkitt's lymphoma, careful morphological and clinical studies must be conducted to prevent giving the wrong type of treatment.

The cause of this disease is unknown. However, viral infections such as HIV/AIDS and Epstein-Barr virus have been known as risk factors in developing this condition. Exposure to radiation during cancer treatment can pose as a risk in developing secondary lymphoma.

Signs and symptoms of large cell lymphoma are:

- Swollen, painless lymph nodes

- Fatigue due to anemia

- Anorexia

- Night sweats

- Unexplained weight loss

- Unexplained fever

After taking through medical history and physical examination, biopsy of a lymph node is done to confirm the diagnosis of large cell lymphoma. This is done by taking a sample tissue through a minor surgery and studying it under a microscope. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, several lab tests such as imaging studies (X-Rays, PET Scan, CT-Scan, Ultrasound) and blood tests are done to stage the disease.

Treatment of large cell lymphoma is based on the staging. A combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy is the usual management utilized for lymphoma. The drugs usually have Rituxan, cytoxan, oncovin, and prednisone, a combination of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and steroids. This is done during the aggressive stage of large cell lymphoma. Once the disease has entered its relapse stage, ICE or DHAP are used. Stage I and Stage II is treated with local radiation therapy, although radiation therapy is also applied along with chemotherapy once large cell lymphoma is at the later stage. Bone marrow transplant is done as a form of aggressive treatment as a last attempt to combat the disease. Research is still being done to fully understand the cause of large cell lymphoma so proper treatment can be done without causing too much stress on the body brought about by the aggressive effects of the medication.

Need to learn more about Lymphoma? Be sure to check out Lymphoma Symptoms which contains in-depth information on Large Cell Lymphoma symptoms, causes, treatment and much more.

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Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month

Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month is right around the corner, so now is a great time to get prepared. Every September, thousands of people join together to commemorate this very special occasion. They work hard by making every effort possible to raise money for blood cancer research. The disease affects 139, 860 Americans alone per year. In other words, every 4 minutes another person is diagnosed with blood cancer. Clearly, these numbers are grim and strong action needs to be taken. While there is already a remarkable amount of exploration being done towards finding the cure, we have not succeeded yet. Thus, more help is always needed, and it starts with you.

If you want to get involved, there are several ways to do it. One of the best awareness events is organized by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The event, named the Light the Night Walk is a charity walk held every year for communities across the nation to raise money for donations. The funds raised by the Light the Night walkers go towards providing four important things: blood cancer research, educational materials, local support groups and counseling, and free personalized assistance for victims and their families.

The Light the Night walk is a crucial component of the fundraising process, and the research for finding the cure for leukemia depends upon it. During the course of this event, every Light the Night walker carries with them special illuminated balloons which are color coated for specific purposes. White balloons are for leukemia survivors, red balloons denote leukemia awareness supporters, and gold balloons are reserved for those who have lost a loved one to blood cancer.

If you would like to join the Light the Night Walk, or host your own Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness event, Motivators also offers a wide selection of Leukemia Awareness Month giveaways for this purpose. Our company understands the tremendous amount of passion and emotion that this event carries with it, so we want to make the best effort possible to provide you with promotional items that are both sensitive and appropriate. With that being said, there are several giveaways that would be ideal for this cause.

For one, the official symbol of Leukemia & Lymphoma is the red blood droplet. If you want to promote Leukemia Awareness in any way, something like a droplet shaped magnet is a classy way to do it. This is a great item to use for getting people to come to your blood drive or fundraiser. Businesses can also get custom imprinting done on these blood drop magnets, along with an inspirational message of your choosing. It isn't done for marketing purposes, but rather just a professional way to show that your company is aware of the fight against blood cancer, and that you care.

Another wonderful giveaway for this occasion is our custom awareness bracelets. The idea of these bracelets began several years ago as the "LiveStrong" bracelets, led by cyclist Lance Armstrong to promote the fight against testicular cancer. Though this item has been worn in present day for just about any purpose, the concept itself is still rooted in the fight against cancer. These bracelets are subtle, and exceptionally appropriate for promoting the fight against leukemia.

If you want to know more about blood cancer, all the information known about the disease can be found at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Daniel Namm is an e-marketing specialist for Motivators, Inc., a Long Island based promotional products distributor. The company's website, has over 40,000 e-commerce enabled promotional products. Check out the latest selection of Leukemia Awareness Month giveaways to honor Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness month.

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What Is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is any cancer of the lymphatic system; this is the system that carries white blood cells and lymph fluid through the body. The main function of the lymph system is to transport white blood cells around the body in order to fight infections. As with all types of cancer, lymphoma occurs when the cells in the body grow uncontrollably; often causing tumours and the majority of lymphomas are made up of white blood cells called T or B cells.

Lymphoma cells usually form solid tumours that appear in the lymph system or in organs but are sometimes found in the blood. These tumours can often be felt as small lumps or swollen glands nearly anywhere in the body.

The Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system acts as a filter to remove bacteria, viruses and impurities from our body. The system is made up of the spleen, lymph nodes and a number of tubes that extend throughout the body, much like blood vessels. If you feel a swollen gland, it is actually a lymph node and these act as emergency centres that activate our immune system to defend against and attack foreign bodies.

Types of Lymphoma:

Hodgkin's lymphoma is a specific form of lymphoma and can also be known as Hodgkin's disease. These types of lymphoma have specific traits that differ from other types. As opposed to other types of lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma spreads predictably from one node to the next and also tends to respond differently to treatments.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma includes numerous different cancers of the lymphatic system. These cancers are identified by what type of cells they are made up of or where they appear in the body. The majority of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas occur in the lymph nodes or lymphatic organs. As lymphatic tissues and cells can be found all around the body, lymphomas can form in the nervous system, stomach, liver and other organs.


While the cause of most lymphomas is not known and likely caused by mutations in genes known as oncogenes, there are certain things that can increase the risk of developing this form of cancer:

Exposure to certain chemicals like solvents, pesticides and things containing nitratesTaking drugs can suppress the immune system and increase the risk of lymphomaAutoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritisGastritis and stomach ulcers caused by a bacteria called H. PyeloriA weak immune system, AIDS sufferers are far more likely to get a lymphoma

Health information and advice from mutual society, Benenden Healthcare

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Types of Leukemia

Leukemia is caused by excessive production of abnormal or immature blood cells (mostly leukocytes). It starts with problem in DNA of cells. This results in shortage of normal blood cell and body stops working properly.

The production of cells in bone marrow consists of several steps. Cells get converted into many intermediate types before forming white, red cells and platelets.

Bone marrow initially consists of stem cells. Stem cells have three main categories including Hematopoietic, mesenchymal and endothelial stem cells. Of these three types, hematopoietic stem cells are the root of normal cells. Hematopoietics can be classified into Lymphoid and Myeloid cells. Often, the root cause of leukemia is the abnormal production of white cells. White blood cells or leukocytes have many sub types. Few of these types are produced from Lymphoid cells and other are produced from myeloid. Red blood cells and platelets are grown up form of myeloid cells. In leukemia, DNA of cells produced either from lymphoid or myeloid origin becomes damaged. This causes production of abnormal production of white blood cells which eventually crowd out normal blood cell. The cancer caused by myeloid origon is called Myelogenous Leukemia and cancer caused by lymphoid is known as Lymphocytic Leukemia. Myelogenous leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia are the two basic types of leukemia.

Leukemia is further categorized into acute and chronic levels. Including this factor, leukemia has four types including acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and chronic myelogenous Leukemia (CML).

Acute refers to the fact that this cancer has potential to become fatal in quick time. Acute lymphocytic leukemia requires immediate treatment otherwise recovery becomes impossible. It is mostly seen in childhood. Acute myelogenous and chronic cancer does not require immediate treatment. Patient suffering from chronic leukemia are kept under observation and treated only when leukemia starts to damage body tissues. Chronic type is mostly seen in aged peoples. The treatment options for all leukemia types include chemotherapy, biological therapy, radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplant.

To read more about leukemia and leukemia symptoms, please visit following website.

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment and Supportive Therapies!

Are you interested in learning more about acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and what some of the options are that you have in regards to treatment and supportive therapies for this devastating cancer?

In this article, you will discover some of the signs and symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia as well as standard treatments for this type cancer and most importantly supportive therapies that you, your family and friends can utilize during this challenging time of life.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment and Supportive Therapies!

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a form of leukemia or cancer of the white blood cells that is characterized by an excess of lymphoblasts.

Although, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is most common in childhood, it is also commonly found in older adults as well.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Weakness and fatigueAnemiaUnexplained fever and infections frequentlyLoss of appetiteUnexplained bruisingBone and joint painBreathlessnessEnlarged lymph nodesSwelling in the lower limbsTiny red spots or lines in the skin

The sooner that acute lymphocytic leukemia is detected, the more effective that treatment can be the aim of acute lymphocytic leukemia treatment is to induce a lasting remission or absence of detectable cancer cells in the body.

Treatments for acute lymphocytic leukemia:

ChemotherapySteroidsRadiation TherapyIntensive Combined Treatments (bone marrow or stem cell transplants)

Supportive Therapies for acute lymphocytic leukemia:

ALL Support Groups - Once you are a loved one is diagnosed with (ALL) hopefully your care provider will give you a list of different support groups that are available to you that will allow you to share and communicate your feelings, concerns, and worries, with other people who are going through the same type of challenges (or similar) that you are.

Yoga Nidra - Let's face it, while Support groups work for some people, oftentimes especially when faced with the sudden realities of life that being diagnosed with cancer can bring, being able to expand your capacity to deal with what is can be very beneficial. The practice of Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that will bring a greater sense of ease and acceptance into your life that will expand your capacity to face the challenges that will come while fighting acute lymphocytic leukemia.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

Learn more about Yoga Nidra Now!

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Leukemia Causes and Its Effects on Blood Cells

Leukemia is cancer of blood which starts in bone marrow. The word "Leukemia" means white blood. The end result of leukemia is reduction in blood cells count. To understand leukemia, it is very important to be aware of the formation of blood.

Our blood consists of plasma and cells which float in this yellow colored liquid. Blood cells are categorized into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Each of these types performs very important job in our body. Red cell transport oxygen from lungs to all tissues of body and bring back carbon dioxide which is then breath out. Deficiency in red blood cells may cause diseases like anemia. White cells are building blocks of immune system. Immune system detects dangerous substances in body and kills them. So white cells protect our body against diseases attacks. Lack of white cells exposes body to various diseases. Platelets are clotting bodies. Platelets clot blood and stop bleeding in case of any wound. Deficiency of platelets may result in too much bleeding and excess of platelets leads to clots in blood.

All blood cells are produced in bone marrow. Due to some unknown reasons, damage is caused to the DNA of cells (mostly white blood cells). As a result of this damage, bone marrow produces abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are produced at rapid speed. Normal body cells are replaced by fresh healthy cells after few months but these abnormal cells last for long time. Eventually, abnormal cells replace almost all of the normal cells if left untreated. This situation is called leukemia. Leukemia is also called cancer of bone marrow because it starts in bone marrow.

Leukemia symptoms include swelling in lymph nodes, pain in joints, bruising, weight loss, night sweats and tiredness. If some one feels such symptoms, he should not worry as leukemia symptoms are shared by many other diseases. He should immediately contact his doctor. The diagnosis of leukemia is done by CBC and bone marrow test and its treatment options includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy and bone marrow transplant. Often, a mixed approach is used to treat leukemia.

This article is summary of resources available at following website.

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Lymphoma - What Is It?

About half of all cancers of the blood fall into the category of lymphoma. This is a cancer of the lymphatic cells of the body, which are a major part of the body's immune system. Leukemia, another cancer of the blood system which can appear in lymphatic cells, is related to, but distinct from lymphoma in a couple of ways. Leukemia is actually a range of disorders that generally effect either the circulating blood cells or the bone marrow where they are produced. It results in an overproduction of blood cells or the production of cells that are malformed.

Lymphoma is different. It usually appears as a tumor, an enlargement or agglomeration of cells that takes on a solid mass. These tumors may develop variously, but the lymph nodes are a common site. As mentioned before, lymphoma tumors may develop variously, leading to a somewhat confusing system of classification for the disease. In the main, however, there are two types: Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Hodgkin's lymphoma is so named because it was discovered by Thomas Hodgkin in the 1830s. It is a cancer of the lymphatic system in which malignant cells gradually but steadily spread throughout the lymph system. They move methodically from lymph node to lymph node, creating tumorous masses. Treatment consists of chemotherapy, in general, but this depends on the patient's age, the stage of the cancer, and how healthy they otherwise are.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is less straight-forward when it comes to classification. There have been a few different attempts to build a consistent taxonomy of the cancer, each one superseded by a newer system. The current one, developed by the World Health Organization, is based on the type of cell that is effected. For example, whether it is a T cell or a B cell (these are both parts of the immune system).

This is not mere scientific squabbling. The type of cancer present can mean large differences in treatment applied to the patient. Some types of lymphoma are so passive they do not pose much risk to the patient, even if left undisturbed by medicine. Other types spread with a relentless aggressiveness that quickly results in death. Both types of lymphoma have similar symptoms: mysterious fevers, sweating or chills at night, unexplainable fatigue. These are all vague ailments that share their lack of acuteness with leukemia. A trip to the doctor after extended periods of experiencing symptoms is usually what alerts people to their condition.

The causes of lymphoma are somewhat mysterious, though there is some connection with diseases of the immune system. If you have suffered from HIV or Epstein-Barr virus, you are at an increased risk of developing lymphoma. There are numerous other risk markers including age, gender, family history, and environment. It seems that the best one can do is try to lead a healthy lifestyle, and avoid mostly preventable infections such as HIV. Otherwise, there is little one can actively do to avoid this illness short of having good luck.

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Lessons Learned From Cancer

Cancer is an insidious illness that touches way too many people. When faced with this disease, you basically have two choices: to go through the experience kicking and screaming or to learn and grow through the illness.

Cancer has taught me that I need to establish boundaries in my life. I learned to look out for my needs first, because without a healthy and strong mind and body, I cannot be at my best for anyone else.

Cancer has taught me that we should never take good health for granted. I used to be like so many other people when I said, "All I want is a healthy baby" or "Life is nothing without your health." Of course, I meant it. But, I really didn't understand the magnitude of these statements until my own struggles with cancer.

I'm a huge believer that the best physicians have a fine tuned sense of intuition. There are times when they just know they have to walk away from the data and follow their gut. But, even intuition has its basis in fact. If we, as patients, don't take the time to tell our physician all the symptoms we are experiencing, he or she doesn't have all the information they need to make a proper diagnosis.

I've learned that the human spirit is virulent. I am thrilled to see that many of our nation's medical schools are now acknowledging the human spirit within their classrooms. They have learned that strong support systems, a good attitude, and prayer affect the overall survival of their patients. They are acknowledging that it is not just science, but also the human spirit, that can affect a patient's future.

For years, alternative medicine - massage therapy, proper nutrition, chiropractic medicine - were not viewed as part of mainstream medicine. But, today, more and more physicians are beginning to understand their power. As such, students in medical schools across the country are learning about alternative medicine within their course curriculum. Oncologists will now put you in touch with nutritionists or send you to chiropractors to help ease your pain.

I'm amazed at how much more accommodating I am of grumpy people these days. Mainly, this is driven by the realization that I don't know what's going on in their personal lives. They might be waging their own battle against cancer. They may be struggling with a divorce, death, or a job loss. Having cancer has taught me to be more tolerant of people and to accept that they may be carrying a load of troubles on their back that we are unaware of.

Out of all of the lessons that cancer has taught me, the bottom line is this: we can all make our world a better place to live if we just lend a hand to others in need.

Sue Northey was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in December of 1998. After undergoing both radiation and chemotherapy, she was deemed cancer-free in September 1999 and has remained in complete remission since.

Sue's first book, Pilgrim Prayers for People Living with Cancer, was published in September 2004 by The Pilgrim Press. Her second book, On The Other Side: The Journey of a Cancer Survivor, was published in January 2007 by Whiskey Creek Press.

Sue has received two special awards that recognize her concerted efforts towards raising awareness and funds for cancer research. The Wisconsin Business Journal honored her as Milwaukee's Woman of Influence in 2002 in the Inspirational Leader category and the Association for Women in Communications honored Sue as The Leading Change Business Leader in 2004.

Sue is Director of Research & Measurement at Branigan Communications in Milwaukee at

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Identifying The Cause, Symptoms And Treatment Of Leukemia

No one in this world would ever want to get sick.  Getting sick is a hassle, a strain and a very big dilemma.  It prevents an individual from doing his activities of daily living.  There is no fun at all when people get sick.  But no matter how hard we try to hate the idea of being sick, if the immune system is weak and if we have lived a sedentary lifestyle, the chance of acquiring diseases is high.

There is a certain type of illness that we all hate and fear to have and it is so called cancer.  Cancer is a deadly disease and it accounts for almost half of the total mortality rate in the whole wide world.  It is scary to think that we might have the disease.  Only few have survived this health illness and we are still hoping that there will be more who will survive this disease.

Cancer has many types and you need to be aware or perhaps be educated about the different types so you will know the symptoms.  Most types of cancer are genetically acquired so if you have relatives who have suffered from cancer, better do some screening so you will know if you too have cancer.  It feels like you were hit by the strongest stun gun once you knew you have cancer.  Shocking and very heart breaking.  Other types of cancer develop because of an individual's diet and lifestyle.  Like lung cancer for instance.  Smoking is one major cause of lung cancer therefore if you have been smoking for a couple of years, better stop it otherwise you will develop lung cancer.

Leukemia is one type of cancer that all age groups can have.  The young and the old are not exempted from this and it is sad to know that many of the little ones have developed and suffered from this type of cancer.  Leukemia is characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells and it is one of the most dangerous of blood disorders. 

Since leukemia involves blood cells circulating through the body unlike other types of cancer which focus on the body tissues, it is sometimes not considered a true cancer.  However, leukemia cells when studied under the microscope behave like cancer cells found in tumors.  It affects the blood forming tissues such as the bone marrow resulting in an overproduction of white blood cells. 

Symptoms to all types of leukemias include that of fever, weight loss, fatigue, bone pain, anemia as expressed in paleness and an enlarged spleen.  Skin lesions may be visible and there is a tendency that it will bleed.  Infections may become even more common and the body becomes less responsive to treatment because of a loss of the normal blood cells that are needed to resist the disease similar to losing muscle control to fight back and escape when an attacker or a criminal is hit with a cheetah stun gun.

Biopsy of the bone marrow and careful blood studies helps identifying the disease.  The treatment is usually directed toward reducing the size of the spleen and the number of white blood cells in the blood. Antibiotics and administration of chemotherapeutic drugs are the treatment of leukemia.  If the cancer patient complies with all of this, life may be prolonged.

So if you know of someone with this type of disease, give support and always stand by his or her side.  It is not easy having this type of disease.  A cancer victim really needs to be strong and fight hard even though his life is already numbered.

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the co-founder of which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, TASERs and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on "Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know". Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy now

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Fertility Preservation in Women and Men With Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lymphoma is cancer of lymphocytes, the cells that are part of human immune system. The disease was first described in 1832 and can start anywhere lymphocytes are found (lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, or digestive tracts). Two types are recognized; Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The American Cancer society estimates that approximately 3800 women and 4600 men will be diagnosed with HL in 2010. The majority of those diagnosed with HL are children and young adults (age 15 to 40 years). Modern treatment carries high survival rates. (>80%). HD, however, by virtue of the disease itself or its treatment poses considerable risk to fertility in women and men, especially if it recurs after treatment.

When HD is suspected usually because of enlarged lymph nodes or other symptoms such as a fever, weight loss or night sweating, a biopsy of lymph nodes is required for the diagnosis. Biopsy require special stains (CD15, CD 30) for proteins on the surface of the characteristic cell. Once confirmed certain imaging studies (especially PET scan) to detect the extent of the disease.

Chemotherapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma; combination chemotherapy is used either ABVD, BEACOPP or MOPP-ABV. Each of the letters represent one medication. The combination of drugs is used for several cycles usually 3 to 6. This is the principle treatment for HL.

Radiation therapy using external beam is sometimes combined with chemotherapy. Radiation is usually localized to the area of the body that harbors enlarged lymph nodes.

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). This treatment is used for resistant HL or HL that recurred after successful treatment in the past (relapse). This treatment requires 1. very high dose of chemotherapy and possibly total body radiation then 2. transplantation of the mother cells of the bone marrow that produce our blood cells. The sources of these cells could be the person himself (autologous) a donor person (allogenic).

Effects of Hodgkin Lymphoma and treatment on future fertility. It has been shawn that men and women attempting conception after treatment for HL had lower chances of becoming pregnant than general population (Aisner 1993).

Men: There is evidence to suggest that HL itself can affect sperm production in 50 to 70% of boys and men, probably due to disturbance of the immune cells. Chemotherapy also can be harmful to sperm production. Alkylating agents especially cyclophosphamide can cause prolonged or permanent azospermia (no sperm production). The other agents may have a reversible effect with some prospect to recovery after months to years. The final effect of chemotherapy is difficult to predict and is related to the type of regimen and doses used. For example the old MOPP regimen for 6 or more cycles result in very high rate of azospermia while the newer ABVD regimen usually causes reversible azospermia.

HSCT entails the use of high dose of alkylating agents and sometimes radiation. It commonly result in prolonged azospermia. HL or its treatment may also affect sperm quality (sperm shape and motility) in addition to concentration. Suppression of sperm production in the testes using a group of medication called gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) has been suggested but there is no proof that they protect the gonads from the effects of treatment in men and women. The testes should be sheilded from the radiation feild whenever possible.

Women: Chemotherapy for HL can result in reduction of ovarian reserve and may reduce future fertility depending on the medication used, dose, frequency, intensity, age and associated radiation treatment. Multiple studies suggested that the risk of loss of fertility is related to 1. Age > 30 years (or > 25years with hifg dose therapy) 2. Type of chemotherapy. MOPP was associated with loss of fertility than ABVD and BEACOPP. 3. Dose and frequency of chemotherapy. Dose escalation BEACOPP used in more advanced HL was associated more with ovarian failure. 4. Exposure of the ovaries to radiation. In a large study about 20% of women experienced menopause. In another study about 40% of women were able to conceive after treatment. In general published literature is not accurate in reporting fertility potential becaus they used menses as as their end point. Resumption of menses after chemotherapy does not accurately reflect fertility potential. The high dose of chemotherapy used prior to HSCT is associated with ovarian failure in the vast majority of women and girls.

Options for preservation of fertility in men. 1. Sperm cryopreservation: This is a widely available and safe option in adults. One or multiple sperm samples are obtained and frozen for later use. After remission the sample is thawed and used for intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization. If IVF is used a single sperm is injected directly into a partner oocyte (ICSI) and the rest of the sperm is refrozen. ICSI is a very powerful tool that can compensate for lower quality sperm encountered in men with HL. In prepubertal boys, sperm may be found in the ejaculate as early as 12 years. Asking prepubertal boys to produce a sperm sample may carry some ethical consideration. The majority of cancer patients are interested in knowing their option about preservation of genetic parenthood in the future. In spite of that, only about one quarter freeze their sperm, mainly because of lack of information about sperm freezing (Schover at al 2002). A survey of over 700 oncologists indicated that less than half offer this option to their patients diagnosed with cancer. 2. Surgical sperm retieval (TESE). Testicular sperm extraction is a surgical procedure where a small amount of tissue is harvested directly from the testes to obtain sperm. Its used in men with azospermia before starting treatment. The specimen is frozen for future use with IVF-ICSI. This is a common procedure in adults and has been reported in prepubertal boys. 3. Testicular stem cell freezing; either within testicular biopsy or separated cells. This is an experimental method with no reported human pregnancy. It is considered for prepubertal boys. The cells or tissue is later transplanted back for sperm production.

Options for preservation of fertility in women.

1. Embryo freezing. This technology is widely available and suitable for women with a partner (or accepting donor sperm) and treatment can be delayed for 3 weeks. It require stimulation of the ovaries and egg retrieval (an outpatient procedure under sedation). Embryos can be frozen for a long time and transferred after remission when fertility is desired.

2. Egg freezing. Used in women with no partner and declining the use of donor sperm. It also require ovarian stimulation and a treatment delay for 3 weeks. Its generally less successful than embryo freezing, although the use of vitrification method can yield comparable results to embryo freezing.

3. Ovarian tissue freezing. This method is experimental. Its used in prepubertal girls or in women that need to start treatment urgently and do not have the time to undergo ovarian stimulation. Its also considered in women or girls before undergoing HSCT since it is associated with very high rate of ovarian failure. One ovary is harvested usually using minimally access surgery (laparoscopy). Patient is diacharged the same day and can start treatment immediately. The ovary is processed so that the outer part (2mm thin) is isolated and frozen. The inner part of the ovary (does not bear eggs) is submitted for pathological examination. After remission the ovary is transplanted back in the abdomen or under the skin.

Women and men diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma experience high chance for cure. Counseling about fertility issues before treatment can enable them to preserve their sperm, eggs or embryos for future use after treatment.

Amr Azim is a board certified reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist in New York City IVF and author of many scientific publication in the area of fertility treatment and fertility preservation. I specialize in helping women and men with fertility counseling, testing and infertility treatment including IUI and IVF.
I am very passionate about helping women, men and children diagnosed with cancer and other diseases understand the impact of disease and its treatment on future fertility.
I write regularly at and

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You've Opted for Chemotherapy, Now What?

How to prepare yourself for treatment!

Depending on the severity and type of cancer, you may have some time before starting treatment. If this is you, or someone you know, I would recommend the following 12 things to prepare. Preparation is the best way to get through this horrible ordeal.

The biggest problem with having chemotherapy treatment is that most doctors say you MUST have chemotherapy. Nine out of ten do not give you an option.

April 5, 2001 the phone rang and my surgeon's voice was on the other end. "Robin," she said, "your test results are back. I'm sorry. It's cancer." She then continued to tell me she would see me in the office that next week to have my stitches removed. Just like that, then she hung up. In total shock and disbelief, I hung up the phone then sat down and cried. She said we can talk about drug therapy when I came in and I remember thinking to myself - at least she wasn't talking chemo.

Yah right!

In the office the surgeon gave me my full diagnosis to the best of her ability. It was Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). We discussed "drug therapy" and I told her then I wasn't doing Chemo or any of those drugs. Her response was I needed to keep an open mind. It was I told her and no drugs were going into it. With that I left.

Next I saw my primary care physician and he sent me to a hematologist. Before I left we discussed my options and said it was my decision. We also discussed the surgeon's letter to him with my "refusal" of drug therapy.

The hematologist was very nice and spent the whole time during my appointment explaining exactly what NHL was, how it was typed and the various stages. What my options were and how she likes to treat patients. She uses Chemo and Radiation.

Well, I didn't care for her treatments either. My cancer was found in the right groin and she wanted to do radiation on both the right and left of the groin. When I asked why - her response was - just in case it decides to move to the left.

After her visit I went home and did major research. I Googled NHL, chemo treatments, remedies, herbs, etc. Then I went to the video store and rented movies about cancer patients. I watched shows on lifetime channel about cancer as well. When I was all done crying it was time to take action.

I called my primary care and told him I wanted another opinion or I was off to Europe where they use herbs to treat cancer. He sent me to Boston.

My doctor in Boston told me I could wait but someday I would have to have Chemo. I immediately liked this guy - since we both agreed there was no rush.

In 2004 my cancer spread from type 1 to type 3 meaning it went from just 1 part of my body to being in 3 parts. I was under mega stress during that time in my life and two nodes at the back of my head stuck out like points of a pencil. This made me nervous - January 2005 I finally gave in.

Twelve things to do before giving into chemo treatments

Here are the 12 things I did before giving into chemo treatments that I highly recommend to anyone who has to go through this horrible ordeal -

Talk with your doctor (s) with regard to your diagnosis and treatment. Ask about different drugs they want to give you and get documentation about each oneRead everything you can about your disease and drugs - especially side effects - but don't drive yourself crazy over itJoin a support group - call 800 number and find nearest support group to youSpend time mourning the loss of your normal self and cry till it's out of your system - you'll need your strength to get through chemoGo to the library and get books on humor (study them)Become a student of humor, watch various comedy movies as well as Patch Adams with Robin WilliamsListen to self-healing tapes - read the booksCut your hair short - in case you lose it, visit a wig shop if you want or make hats to wearKeep a journal about your chemotherapy treatments, how you feel, what you notice around you or write poetry about itGet a support system in place for people to help you - whether it's to take you back and forth for treatments, run to the store or refill prescriptions, visit you in person or on the phoneAsk family and/or friends to put you into their prayers (they do work wonders)Don't shut your friends and family out - talk about having to go through chemo and having the cancer - you may find that you will lose some people who you thought were close to you, but that's okay - it's their problem not yours that they can't deal with what you are going through - you need to concentrate on you and getting better!

To go through chemo itself is tough. In fact, it is downright nasty. However, if you have the right frame of mind - it does make it easier.

As for the side affects of Chemotherapy, that's for another story.

Robin G. Coles of R G Coles and Co LLC, freelance writer and photographer

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Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatments and Supportive Therapies!

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia and you find yourself wanting to learn more about the different types of treatments and supportive therapy options that you have available to you?

If so, then you will be glad to know that in this article you will discover the different types of options that you have to treat acute myeloid leukemia and more importantly some of the supportive therapy options that you and your loved ones can utilize during this fight against this devastating cancer.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatments and Supportive Therapies!

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells that is characterized by a rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that build up in the bone marrow and interfere with the normal production of blood cells.

Symptoms of Acute Myeloid Leukemia:

FatigueShortness of BreathEasily bleeds or bruiseHigher incidence of infection

Since AML is as an acute leukemia, it progresses rapidly and can be fatal within weeks or months if left untreated.

Treatment options of cute Myeloid Leukemia:

The most common treatment of AML is usually chemotherapy that is divided into two separate phases of induction and consolidation therapy. The intent of the induction phase is to reduce the amount of leukemic cells to an undetectable level. Once that is achieved the intention of the consolidation phase is to eliminate all of the disease.

Supportive Therapy Options:

Fighting the battle against any type of cancer can be a very daunting and at times almost overwhelming process. That's why your healthcare provider may provide you with a list of AML support groups that will allow you to communicate and share with other AML sufferers to help easy some of the suffering by sharing.

Another option is to begin practicing Yoga Nidra which is a guided meditation technique that will allow you to expand your capacity to be in this moment now in an empowering way that will decrease the amount of unneeded suffering that you may be struggling with as well as give you moments of relaxation in the mist of so much pain and suffering.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

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Learn more about Yoga Nidra Now!

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What Is the Connection Between Leukemia and Cord Blood Treatments?

Leukemia is a type of cancer that begins from those tissues in the body that form blood. It is basically the cancer of the blood and marrow, and leads to a reduction of white blood cells in the body.

The treatment that has to be provided for leukemia should be such, that it would increase the amount of White Blood cells in the blood stream. For people who are suffering form leukemia, the great news is that is can be provided effective treatment with the help of cord blood.

Cord blood is blood that is obtained from the umbilical cord at the birth of an infant. This blood remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord that is left unattached just when the baby is born.

Cord blood is known as a source of stem cells, as they are present in it in great number. Stem cells are basically obtained from an embryo, which may be a concern for some people regarding ethics. However, it does help in providing a great solution to the disorder, leukemia.

The ability of stem cells is to change and transform into any other cell or tissue in order to cure and repair the damaged ones. This is one reason why it can be used to cure leukemia.

The process by which cord blood is used to cure leukemia takes place when this blood is obtained from a mother who has just given birth. The person who is suffering from leukemia is then given a high dose of chemotherapy, and the stem cells start carrying out their function of replacing the damaged cells.

The real treatment takes place when the patient is infused with stem cells, which start producing white blood cells in order to make the amount of white blood cells reach the normal number. Thus, cord blood obtained at birth can be stored to be used whenever required.

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New T-Cell Therapy May Be a Powerful Cancer Fighter

Researchers have been working hard to find a way to use the body's own t-cell's to fight cancer and destroy it. Clinical trials have been conducted and some people who were participants have gone into complete remission using this exciting and novel new approach. This is known as "gene therapy" and researchers have been working furiously for years trying to find ways to utilize the body's own cells to be reprogrammed to fight and destroy cancer cells.

A clinical trial held at The University of Pennsylvania involved providing this treatment to participants who suffered from leukemia. One participant in particular, a man who had suffered from leukemia participated in the trial and it turned his life around for the better. Chemotherapy was no longer effective for his disease. A few weeks after this treatment, he was in complete remission with no trace of cancer to be found. It is now a year later and he is still completely cancer free. There were an additional two patients who participated in this trial. One had another complete remission of the leukemia and the third participant had a partial remission result. These results are extremely promising and plans are being made for further gene therapy trials.

The Procedure: This trial involved the removal of billions of a person's T-cells. T- cells are one of the white cells in the human body whose function is to fight and destroy viruses and tumors. Once these t-cells are removed they are genetically reprogrammed with new genes. These new genes actually teach the t-cells to seek out and destroy cancer in the human body. They are then reinjected back into the patient.

The doctors who are part of the trial are not stating yet that this is a cure. They say the treatment is still experimental and has only involved a few patients. This trial has been written about in The New England Journal of Medicine and Science Translational Medicine. Many researchers are very excited about it and feel it is a significant achievement in the field of gene therapy to fight cancer.

This procedure basically was able to use a person's own immune system to kill cancer cells. Researchers are now trying to determine if other types of cancer might also be responsive to this gene therapy.

The doctors leading this study and trial said they were also stunned by the results of complete remission. Although this is still experimental at this point, researchers hope to replicate this study again and see how it responds to other types of cancer.

Tumor Destruction by T-cells: Scientists are trying to determine how to make these modified t-cells destroy tumors. This particular research study done at The University of Pennsylvania appears to have been able to accomplish this by leaving a population of "memory" t-cells" within the body that will be able to remultiply when needed, as they will recognize the development of cancerous cells.

This gene therapy concept of genetically modifying the body's t-cells really began in the 1980s with research conducted in Israel. Over the years much research has continued to occur in this area and it appears that scientists are making great progress. Researchers are hopeful that one day soon, these "cancer killer" t-cells" will effectively destroy cancer and be available as a therapy option for people suffering from this dreadful disease.

Potential Dangers of T-Cell Therapy: Although this research is incredibly promising there are certain dangers still inherent to it. A person may become vunerable to infection because the treatment will destroy both healthy and cancerous cells simultaneously, in this leukemia case wiping out a patient's entire B-cell population. Doctors are providing these patients with precautions such as periodic infusions of immune building substances to prevent infections from occurring.

Another danger could be the overwhelming number of cancer cells that can die off all at once. This can overwhelm the liver and kidneys and lead to "tumor lyses", a potentially deadly reaction. Doctors are working on this problem by providing drugs which will help protect the kidneys while this process is occurring.

Additionally there may be other reactions which may be life threatening because everybody is unique and the modified t-cells can target cancer cells anywhere in the body. Therefore if there is cancer in the lungs, the lungs may become overwhelmed and the patient can develop breathing problems which can be dangerous. Additionally side effect reactions that occur from this treatment include high fevers and inflammation.

The Future: Researchers are very excited about the future of genetically modified t-cell therapy in treating and even destroying cancer. Although it may be years away, the hope is to perfect the therapy and make it available to anyone who may benefit from it. Many hurdles still exist including how this treatment could be massed produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Until that time, researchers continue to work hard and are grateful for the astonishing results of complete remission they have already achieved in several patients suffering from leukemia.

The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California is a world renowned alternative cancer treatment center. The Issels Treatment is an Integrative Immunotherapy program with a 50 year history. Founded in 1951 by a pioneer in integrative cancer medicine, Dr. Josef Issels, MD., a German oncologist, The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California treats patients with all natural non toxic therapies for a variety of health conditions including cancer.

If you would like more information regarding the treatments available at The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California, please call 805-216-2007 or toll free at 888-374-7735. And please visit the website at:

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How to Know If You Have Lymph Node Cancer?

Different cancers affect about 1 in 3 people in the world. We all know someone who has had a cancer or is suffering from it now. Like with most diseases, it is easiest to treat if discovered early. But how should one know the signs?

Lymphoma is kind of a cancer that affects our lymphatic system and causes a tumor to develop in our lymph nodes, that is why it is often referred to as a lymph node cancer. When you are affected by lymphoma you will develop swelling in your lymphatic nodes. The swelling is often painless and can be anywhere on your body- in the groin, neck or even armpits. But be aware, not all the swelling in your nodes means that you have developed a cancer. Swelling in these areas of your body can develop also after other infections and is mostly harmless.

If these symptoms last for longer than few weeks, you should see a local doctor, who is able to diagnose you properly. If your doctor thinks that you may have lymphoma, he will send you to an oncologist, who will make the necessary test to find out if you have this disease and what exactly can be done.

Like most other cancers, lymphoma could be treated with either a bone marrow transplantation, chemotherapy or sometimes radiotherapy. Lymphoma is a secretive cancer that develops slowly over time and hits you when you least expect it. However like most cancers, if discovered at an early stage, it is mostly treatable.

To read more about Lymph Node Cancer please visit our website where you will find all the relevant information about this disease. Don't wait before it is too late, take action today!

Lymph Node Cancer website brings you all the information you need know about lymph node cancer (lymphoma) and what are the causes, symptoms and treatment options out there.

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